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Socrates Program 2002-2003 | ![]() |
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Socrates Intensive Programme 2002-2003 |
![]() Co-operation with private and public sector The region of Rodopi and the City of Komotini in Greece are multicultural areas with a large Muslim minority. It also hosts immigrants (coming mainly form the neighbouring Balkan countries) and Pontain-Greeks from the ex-USSR republics. The programme will comprise: (a) field trips to Muslim communities in urban and rural areas of the prefecture of Rodopi; (b) visits to projects for the resettlement and labour market integration of ethnic-Greeks from ex-USSR republics and projects of community development; and (c) visits to statutory agencies, NGOs and other organizations involved in welfare provision and project implementation (i.e. the local branch of the National Institute for the Reception and Rehabilitation of Greek Repatriates and Local Social Services Departments). . |
Aim Multiculturalism and immigration are not new phenomena for most European countries. However the recent political changes in Eastern Europe and the military and Islamic regimes in Asian and African countries have increased the flow of legal/illegal immigrants and refugees into EU member states. Migration is often accompanied by exclusion from political and social rights, though various categories of migrants may experience this differently. The literature on already existing minorities in European countries provides ample evidence of the social disadvantages and poverty afflicting these groups. Furthermore, since the 1980s, a major reversal of the historical patterns of migration has occurred as South European countries, which traditionally were countries of out- migration, have become receivers of migrants. The aim of the proposed intensive programme is to present to students the policies towards minorities, immigrants and refugees in the participating countries (e.g. policy measures, networks of social protection and care, the role of statutory and voluntary organizations in welfare provision). Furthermore, problem constellations and policies with regard to these particular groups will be linked with the broader debate on needs, values and welfare system reform in the EU countries. Citizenship policies and the EU dimension will also be addressed with an emphasis on the potential of creating an inclusive European identity and developing empowering policies for vulnerable groups. |
Accommodation |
Student's Preliminary Report Students should prepare a preliminary report (up to 5000 words), which will cover the topics stated below and will attempt to "puzzle the picture" on issues associated with "Culture, multiculturalism and social policy in their own country". The report should attempt to answer the following questions: 1. Multiculturalism in EU countries:Give a profile of multiculturalism in your country (immigration, minorities, refugees, culturally different communities). Discuss briefly Immigration and Refugees Policies in your country. 2. Culture, Values and Welfare Reform: How would culture and values influence welfare state restructuring in your country? What changes have taken place with regard to the role of statutory and voluntary organizations in welfare provision? 3. Community care and community development: Discuss partnership building and networking among care providers at local (community) level in your country. Length of preliminary report 3500-5000 words. The reports will be presented to the large groups on the first day of the IP course and the written essay should be sent one week before the beginning of the IP course to the following email address:akandylaki@hotmail.com |